The first volume, “The Challenges of Europe’s Neighbourhood Policy”, was published in August 2016. It includes the following six academic articles:
• European Neighbourhood Policy between Benefit and Menace to EU Economy – Comiş Eugen Marius
• Russian Reactions to the Eastern Partnership – Adrian Corobană
• The Book of Unwritten Tales – the EU-Japan Relations – Carola Frey
• Europenization in the Global Context – Lipănescu Irina Letiția
• The Problem of Dual Citizenship in Northern Bukovina – Liubov Melnychuk
• Playing by the Rule. The Rule of International Law in the EU’s Neighbourhood – Garofița Porav
First bilingual brochures includes information regarding the host institution of the project, the Department of International Relations and European Integration, NUPSPA, the program through which the project is co-funded and the objectives and planned activities.
BILINGUAL BROCHURE – NR. 1 (December 2015)
The main role of this virtual instrument is to disseminate information regarding the academic events and opportunities existent in the field of International Relations and European Studies, with special regard to EU’ Foreign and Neighbourhood policies among students and researchers in the concerned filed and any other person interested in this field who subscribes to the newsletter. Therefore, it will help keeping up to date all subscribers about the latest news in this regard and about their opportunities to participate in conferences, to publish, to attend debates, to get financing for their projects and to find jobs in the EU, in general, and in this European study field, in particular. In this way, the newsletter facilitates the promotion of academic events and research activities conducted in the field of International Relations and European Studies. Moreover, by including in the newsletter the activities carried out within the Excellence Centre we will enhance the visibility of our department and of the whole university and the interest of academics, scholars and experts in participating to its activities.
*The European Commision support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commision cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.